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Call for Abstracts

The Call for Abstracts is now closed.

As the deadline for abstract submissions for the 2025 SPEVI conference has passed, we would like to sincerely thank each and every one of you who took the time to share your work, your ideas, research, your products and experience with us. We had an overwhelming response to our call, receiving submissions that explore a vast number of topics, concepts and strategies related to the education of people with vision impairment and multiple disabilities and connected to our conference theme which emphasises the benefits of inclusion and empowerment. Submissions came from a number of regional and global countries, cementing SPEVI's position as an organisation of world leaders in the vision education sector and our conference as a major event on the calendar. Your contribution has ensured a dynamic and memorable program for all conference delegates, attending in person and online.

Our programming subcommittee will be in touch with our presenters in the coming month and we will post updates as they become available.